EVA: Skolepraktik provide excellent professional skills

EVA: Skolepraktik provide excellent professional skills

Business School students achieve essentially the same marks in school, such as when they are in job training. It shows a new report.

It has no great importance whether a mason student or electrician student is in school or job training. Students receive virtually the same characters, whether they spend apprenticeship at the school or in a company. It shows a new report from the Danish Evaluation Institute (EVA).

The study's results support the recommendations, as Vocational Training Committee recently presented. The committee proposed, among other things establishing internship centers to strengthen students' academic skills and provide them with work experience in both the business and the school.

"The most important thing is that young people receive an education in a business because it gives students experience in a real workplace. But if it can not be done, do the proposed internship centers a guarantee that young people can complete their education and get job training in several companies for shorter periods while they are in school, "says Christine Antorini, Children and Education .

Source: UVM