Therefore, you must travel in study

Therefore, you must travel in study

You should not sit bent over a book all day - let alone throughout the course.

Just study is a perfect time to travel, because you are not bound by car, mortgage and children at home. Even if you do not have the money for it. A student loan invested in travel and experiences may prove to be a really good investment.

Experiences remembered more than material things

When you buy a new television, you are happy at the moment. But after a few months, you are not as such happy because you have a new television. That's fine, but it does not contribute with joy.

It makes experiences and travel in return. Even many years after you have been traveling you can look back on your experiences with joy. That's why one experience gift is remembered by the recipient much better than if you give a new coffee maker or contribution to a television.

Have a student loan and get out and experience the world. You will be glad later when you look back on your study. The trips, whether they have anything in the studio to do or not, the first thing you will think back on.

You are not bound to be home

Exactly study is a good combination of two good things in your life. One is that you are not bound by car, mortgages and children. You have, in other words not very many obligations and has therefore real opportunity to travel also for a longer period if you wish.

In addition, you have the opportunity to raise money with a student or alternatively a student loan.

Travelling today is cheaper than it has ever been. The price of tickets has just fallen over the past many years and even the United States is no more than a few thousand kroner away back and forth if you are flying with, for example Norwegian from Copenhagen Airport.

Traveling with SU

SU is nice to have on hand. You can get it on your travels in one of two ways.

One is to take on a student exchange. Not all studies that offer this, but include in law and certain commercial law studies is possible. You are studying at a university in another country or taking exams here. Often exchange semester abroad, just half a year. You have in this period your SU with and you get help with accommodation etc. as needed.

Your other option arises candidate in many studies. Here you have even the opportunity to choose which subjects you want to go up in. As a result of momentum reform, it is not possible to select less than 30 ECTS credits, but you can choose easier courses. In this way you can with short reading when you come home still take an exam or two and if you have to shoot an exam for the semester after going this well.

You also have the opportunity to take student loans to supplement your regular SU when you are on exchange semester abroad.

You have the opportunity right now in the studio. Take advantage of it. Come out and see the world. You will never regret.