The ultimate guide to the student

The ultimate guide to the student

It may be that the budget does not bend, but the fact is that we actually feel very good as students. In contrast to almost all other countries, we actually get money to educate us. If you think a little rationally and often live the parole 'all in a way', then you are really well placed. In the following you will be guided through possible actions as students.

Get a study job

Even if we get SU, it's hard to live on it alone. It is therefore a good idea to get a job quickly. There are a lot of possibilities. Some choose with the emotions compared to what they want more socially, while others think a little more rationally, and immediately try to find a study-relevant job.

However, both things can be recommended. The most important thing is that you learn what it means to work and you get a little more financial space to enjoy your youth. However, be sure to find a job with flexible working hours so you can still fit your school.

Understand the mental aspect

In today's Denmark, mental problems are unfortunately not equated with physical problems. It is quite normal to go to the doctor and something you talk openly to friends and colleagues, while for most people it is much more taboo to go to a psychologist.

It's really annoying since mental health is just as important as physical health. Even though we are doing well in Denmark, it does not mean that we are always well mentally involved. For survival, man has learned to adapt to his surroundings, and the individual's problems are therefore relative to the individual's situation. What might not be from a different perspective, looks like big problems may well be for those who experience it. Just because you are born with good prerequisites does not mean that you are not entitled to seek help.

For example, it may be possible to seek out a psychologist in Ringsted . If it will help your mental state, the money is really well given out.

Be punctual

It may sound like a minor thing, but later in your life you will really benefit from learning to be punctual. Too many, it's something you need to acquire quickly. If it's only a bad habit to get up late, it's really hard to change it.

Punctuality will help you in all aspects of life. It will help you socially, professionally and mentally. If you are constantly lagging behind in your appointments, it may well lead to stress. Something really many students suffer from.

It sounds banal, but a good way to promote punctuality is to buy a nice watch. Yes, there is a watch on its smartphone, but as it's not the primary feature, it does not work well. On the other hand, many feel they should honor their delicious watch by fulfilling its only function - keeping track of time. An offer of a nice watch could well be ' fossil watches '. They are wildly classy and classy, ​​but at the same time they are studyable.

Beware of health

Healthy and healthy health only helps you through your daily tasks. Of course, the diet is, of course, one of the most important. Of course you can not always eat just as healthy, but if you have had such an unhealthy period, it's about subsequently going on a detox cure to flush all the badness out of your body. If you do not even have the time to cook the food, there are gradually more options for healthy takeaway.