The Featured in the Concert Hall

The Featured in the Concert Hall

So is it terrific standup show definitive way to Aarhus Concert Hall.
Friday, April 24 at. 20 coming comedians Brian Dark, Anders Fjeldsted, Christian Fuhlendorff, Michael Schøt and Tobias Dybvad to the concert hall, where together they will perform their new show. The boys are undoubtedly five of the country's best standup comedians who repeatedly encountered each other around the country, different show. Now they have finally teamed up on a joint show, with one common goal: sharp and varied comedy for the whole country. During the evening, Brian Dark as the host presenting and linking fire show with each other comedians, where each with their style will deliver sharp attitudes, black humor, painful entirety and what else they are known for. The show guarantees entertainment of high caliber, and the audience will certainly get a terrific fun night. The show is divided in four sections each 20-25 minutes. Tickets cost somewhere between 190-150 kr. And can be purchased at Billetnet .