Comedy Aid- Stand up for life

Comedy Aid- Stand up for life

Again this year, brought together some of the best standup comedians in late December, in the good cause. They gather around a long and tremendously entertaining stand-up show, where the profits of the year goes to the Cancer Society's work with children and young people.
The show's hosts are the two seasoned comedians Thomas Hartmann and Christian Fuhlendorff. Furthermore, Comedy Aid offer names Anders Fjelsted, Brian Dark, Carsten Bang, Carsten Eskelund, Christian Fuhlendorff, Dan Andersen, Elias Ehlers, Geo, Jacob Tingleff, Jacob Wilson, Jonatan Spang, Linda P, Michael Schøt, Mick Øgendahl, Omar Marzouk Rune Klan, Simon Talbot, Steen Molzen, Thomas Hartmann, Thomas Warberg, Thomas WIVEL and Tobias Dybvad. The music will also this evening will be provided by DjNoize. The shows come to Aarhus on December 28, Birmingham on 29th December and Copenhagen on December 30. But there are only a few tickets left, so it's getting ensure a ticket on billetnet.