Construction of Southern Denmark in Kolding in progress

Construction of Southern Denmark in Kolding in progress

Start of construction in Kolding Over the next month and a half to be tapped 1,000 stakes in the ground for piling. Today begins the construction of the new University of Southern Denmark in Kolding.

At first, is tapped 1,000 stakes in the ground for piling. These are concrete piles up to 17 meters, to create the foundation for the new university. The contractor Arkil will during the next month and a half knock the 1,000 stakes in the ground.

The new university will be located next to the river, where the soil is soft. Therefore, the piles deep into the ground, in order to bear the upcoming university.

The work will be on between the hours. 7-18, and the neighbors are warned that it is noisy while piles tapped in.

Envisaged that students and employees in 2014 to move into the building, which will stand as an elegant triangle close to the city center and Kolding River. The building will house about 1,500 full-time students and 900 part-time students