British Foreign Minister guests KU

British Foreign Minister guests KU

. Wednesday March 19 guests British Foreign Secretary David Miliband University of Copenhagen. Following the EU summit gives Miliband his take on how the EU can tackle the challenges that Europe faces in the coming years.
As a university, we are excited to open the doors to leading decision makers from around the world. The University should be a place where you take the key debates such as climate and the future of Europe. Where opinions are forged and researchers and students engage in dialogue with practitioners. It is also an important part of a good study to mark the international blast from the speakers of David Miliband's caliber, says Vice-Rector Lykke Friis. The debate with David Miliband may be based on questions such as: How can the EU best solve future climate challenges? Can you achieve the development and spread democracy by military force in Afghanistan and Iraq? Are there limits to free speech in a global world? Time and place Wednesday, March 19 at. 15 to 16.15 in the Assembly Hall at the University of Copenhagen, Frue Plads, Copenhagen K All are welcome. Participation is free. Registration via the University's website .