Balance Sheet - Studies and Economics
As a student, it can be difficult to find the right balance between study and economics. It is possible to spend all your free time at work, but then you probably do not have time to study as much as you would like. You can also spend all your time studying, but for most people this will lead to money shortages. Read on here and learn how to find the right balance.
Become wiser about your finances and make sensible choices
If you want it to work with your finances while studying, it is a good idea to read up on the topic. The more you know about finance, the easier it will be for you to save the right places and make some extra money.
For example, on this website you can learn more about how to gain control over your personal finances. In many cases, you can get extra air in the budget if you just sit down and review your finances.
Make a realistic plan
If you need to figure out how many hours you can spend working next to the studio, it's a good idea to make a plan. For example, in this plan, you can enter all the hours you spend at the university, and you can also enter when you plan to read or meet with your study group.
Thus, you can roughly get an overview of how many hours you spend on the study per week. From this, it is possible to say how many hours you can work. However, keep in mind that study and work cannot fill your entire life. Some leisure time is also needed, where you have the opportunity to relax and be with family and friends.
What is your goal with the study?
When you make this plan, it is also a good idea to consider what you really want to achieve with the study. Sometimes it can be as good as getting some work experience.
This may mean that you do not get as high marks for your exams, but can your job give you knowledge in the field you would like to work in, is it maybe worth it all? Whether a job can give you some experience that you can't get in the studio is a real consideration, at least. In the end, it's not the characters that mean everything.