What you thought was teething, now appears as chronic ailments. With now nearly two and a half years behind operates the country's job centers still in a way that the unemployed are profoundly unsatisfactory. This leaves the job centers with the worst starting only three months before the job centers must implement further comprehensive reform. Newsletter A4 has previously documented great frustration among unemployed people over the centers' inability to obtain them in the job, and there is no progress as new satisfaction that Denmark Analysis conducted for A4 among a representative sample of the country's unemployed. Now as previous complaints three out of four unemployed that they only slightly or not at all find that their job center helps them find jobs. Almost half - 45 percent - characterizes the quality of the job center's effort as 'bad or very bad', while only 14 percent are willing to give the job center's efforts shot goal 'good or very good'. 73 percent of the unemployed say they have not been presented for a single position in the past month. The numbers are almost identical to those that came to similar surveys of satisfaction with public employment services in May 2006, March 2007 and September 2007. In 2006 it was about the then AF and in 2007 job centers, which closed its doors in the country's 91 municipalities 1 January 2007. Job centers have previously explained the bad numbers with teething problems and repented, but now the Danish Employers' Confederation losing patience. "It is deeply shameful that so few experience being helped with the job. Either with a specific job or help to seek work. Part of the idea with the job centers was that there should now focus on jobs and job search, and it is completely absent, "believes senior consultant Jørgen Bang-Petersen. 4 out of 10 available has neither been presented for jobs or directed methods to find one of the interviews, they have participated in the job center according to A4's study. The unemployment rate is currently increasing, according to Jørgen Bang-Petersen not count as an excuse for job centers' lack of focus on the job. "There comes the new jobs all the time, and although competition for them has become tougher, it remains the job centers' primary task is to bring the unemployed in contact with jobåbningerne," he says.
Individual treatment efterlyses
The unemployed want a more individual treatment in job centers. Those who have assessed the job center's performance as poor or very poor, have been asked to justify their negative rating. Of the shows that: * 57 percent are dissatisfied with the fact that they did not get a job offer that was relevant to them. * 50 percent lack a more individual guidance. * 47 percent have been disappointed with the staff in Job Centre. * 37 percent complain about the failure to offer relevant training. * 28 percent find the activation, they got the call. Henning Jørgensen, professor at the Department of Economics, Politics and Public Administration at Aalborg University, recognizes the discontent among the unemployed from the studies he regularly makes to job centers. The experience of public employment services is quite different than 10 years ago, according to labor market reform "More people in work" from 2002 and subsequent administrative and management reforms have completely changed the approach to the unemployed, he said. "In the 90s we had the active labor market policy with individual action plans that took into account the unemployed want. They felt that they got something that positively motivated them. Today, any individual account removed. Now dictate the system a job plan, where the only thing that matters is that the race fastest and shortest possible to work, "says Henning Jørgensen. He sees it as the reason why 39 percent of the unemployed complain that not being listened to them, 37 percent calls for appropriate training, and that even greater proportions calls for individual guidance and relevant job. "When you speak with the staff of the system, one gets to know that the course is set to massage the unemployed consciousness. At headquarters in Arbejdsmarkedsstyrelsen accrues to the employees a stream of manuals, which deprives them of their independence and tell them how to act, "says Henning Jørgensen. The consistent message to the job center employees, according to him, the unemployed do not have to be motivated positively, but negatively to fear unemployment. "It must be like in the old days when it was feared that come poorhouse. Therefore, reduced quality of everything offered. It is the treatment available responding to the survey, "the professor believes.
Fits just their work
That there has been a fundamentalChanging the approach to the unemployed as a result of, among other labor market reform, confirmed by the job center manager in Slagelse and Vice-President of the Association of Job Centre Managers in Denmark Hans E. Lund Rasmussen. He previously worked as a labor boss in a local government. "There was the client target in relation to a number of peers issues and legislation were the means. Today, companies target individuals agent and legislation a supporting measure. "It is from Hans E. Lund Rasmussen's side an objective finding. But for him it is important to have the revised terms of public employment services in mind when interpreting the positions vacant expressed in A4's study. That people are unhappy, is the job center manager to see does not mean that the job centers do not do their job well enough - on the contrary. "If our efforts result in that people are sluiced out of job openings and achieve self-dependency, so we fulfill the demands placed on us as a job center. And it's not as interesting, if citizens are satisfied with getting a job or not. "Hans E. Lund Rasmussen believes that much of the dissatisfaction expressed in the survey, because the unemployed do not have realistic expectations what job centers can and should offer. Among other things, it long ago that job placement was abolished for insured unemployed. They have to be actively seeking a job, he said: "It is no good that they come in and think we're doing an active job placement at great personal contact with the individual. We have no resources. And what activation is concerned, so we can have opposing interests. We have a labor to take account of and priority to areas where there is job openings. The unemployed might want to go, where he had previously worked, and it will not be met, then it is clear that one can be unhappy on that basis. "
Paperwork steal time
Mayor of Rødovre Municipality Erik Nielsen (S) is chairman of the Labour and Industry Committee of the Local Government Association. He also believes that it is inevitable to have dissatisfied customers, when that authority requires and imposes unemployed to take jobs that they may not see as relevant. "The goal for us is not like a clothing store only to have satisfied customers. It is not the job center job to be popular, "he says. That dissatisfaction is the extent it has, he will be good remedy. He believes that some of the negative responses due to job centers have been counted down in public. First from government side and on the later of the two sides, which have been opposed to job centers' efforts for insured unemployed - which is now under government control - will be merged with the efforts of security for under municipal control after 1 August this year. Meanwhile, the many administrative burdens that the job centers have been imposed, taken time, as Erik Nielsen would have used a more individualized treatment of the unemployed: "We are after all not to get dissatisfied customers. But when we are in a world where there are so demanding, and have systems that are so complex that employees hardly get out of them, so it must be perceived as such. "The mayor will work for simplification of rules when jobindsatsen kommunaliseres, but recognizes that it requires trust from the central political side to that task can be solved locally. According to Professor Henning Jørgensen Erik Nielsen, however, forget about greater freedom and municipal right of disposal, as long as the current labor market policies are continued. "On the contrary. The tightening has gotten worse and worse over the past five years. The employees fleeing from job centers, who can not be re-filled posts, because people know that they come in and become bureaucrats of the worst kind. They got to get through 15 screens on a computer, they just spend five minutes on a free. So he can forget. "It is only two years and four months hand, job centers were created under large conversion difficulties. With the conditions prevailing on the job centers, and the challenges of growing unemployment, the Henning Jørgensen it aimlessly using highly sought resources to reconcile the state and municipal job placement at this time. "The decision municipalisation is fixed. But nothing prepared properly - neither IT, organization or financial. So do not let it take effect before next April, "is the advice.
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Newsletter A4 would like to have talked with Employment Minister Inger Støjberg (V) on the unemployed large dissatisfaction with the job centers, which she is responsible. But the minister declined to comment on the investigation and have referred to the National Labour Market Authority, which, however, wholeclay did not wish to comment on the views presented in this article.
Source: LO Weekly