7 places you can save money every month

7 places you can save money every month

The disposable for an ordinary Danish students are not the many thousands of crowns a month. It is the money you have available for the fixed costs are paid. Have SU and any student loan and a student, you are well placed few thousand.

In order to raise funds at your disposal, you can do one of two things - either make more money or spend less.

This article is about how you as a student to the last - namely spending less money. We improve the bottom line and not the top line here. Let's take us directly into the 7 tips:

TV package

Still have a TV package - and is not it time to discard it as necessary?

Netflix, HBO and YouTube can meet the needs of the majority. The only excuse for still having a TV package must be that you would like to watch sports on television. If so can you ally yourself with a few others to cope with the cost of 4-500 kroner a month for the big television package.

Netflix subscription

Even if you have Netflix, you can be smart if you live with others. Instead of having a subscription each can have a "family plan". It costs the same normal 89 kroner normally for the first user, but then only 50 kroner extra per user. It is with a few roommates easily a few thousand kroner a year in saving that way.


Internet should be, but there is no reason to pay several hundred crowns too much - every month.

But that's what you risk doing if you do not regularly check whether it is possible for you to get cheaper broadband than you have right now. The competition between broadband providers is fierce, but you can use to your advantage by taking a 20'er of the price each time commitment period expires.

Link: Find cheap broadband here

Mobile phone subscription

Once a subscription, we might be looking at. How much you pay right now for your mobile phone? If it is more than 150 crowns a month, you have easy opportunity to save a little money here.

The cheapest subscriptions you can per writing get from 99 kroner a month - and it's both with lots of speech, free SMS and enough data for you to violence-stream Spotify and watch YouTube on the train.

Pendants Map

As a student you have the opportunity to get some attractive commuter passes. For 600 kroner a month you get free transportation from where you live to your uddannelsesinstution. It is significantly cheaper than buying train tickets every day, if you just live a few kilometers from the university.

See what options you have to get paid transport - there is likely more than you are aware of public support to students is not limited to student grants and student loans.

Web hosting

Are you one of the more fremadsynende students who have your own CV online in the form of a website?

It costs a few hundred bucks a year - or this is at least what it should cost. If you are unlucky you sit with an animal and crop failures that require many hundreds of crowns a year for what you can get for around 200 kroner on the cheap - including domain registration fee to DK-Hostmaster!

Link: See list of web hosting services here

Early-bird dining

It's nice to go out to eat with friends and with her boyfriend, but it will soon also to cost much money.

It helps the website Early Bird you to rectify.

Here you can eat at the times when the restaurant has the fewest visits. In return for your trouble you get good prices on the menu and you can save from one-third to more than half the price of restaurant visit.

Now you know where you need to put in - here you go '!