News Archieve
New report on internationalization o…
A new report gives suggestions on how the international dimension of VET can be strengthened. Minister of Education welcomes the report.
Whitesnake on Train
Monday, June 1 pm. 20 puts David Coverdale and Co. stop by Train, on their world tour.
Aarhus Revy in the Concert Hall
Then you have the opportunity to see Århus revue "Bye conduct" in the Concert Hall, Thursday to Saturday in the next five weekends.
Free Online Denmark History
Thursday, May 14, Denmark got a new history of Denmark on the net, as the Department of History and Area Studies at Aarhus University opened a website with over 3,000 pages of text, sound and images from ancient times right up to 2008.
Panic at the Aarhus Theatre
If you have not been in to see the show "Panic" at Aarhus Theatre, please hurry! The show runs until June 6.
Slight decrease in the number of int…
The number of training places are declining, but the decline is smaller than in previous months. New political agreement should provide more places.
Pioner magazine 04 is on the street
The pioneering campaign has been a success, and now launches the Ministry of Education Pioneering Education. Read more in the new issue of Pioner magazine.
ASYLUM! Concert - a work with someth…
Five writers with a refugee background, five composers, three musicians and an interactive media designer has created the work ASYLUM! Concert, which gives a different take on life as a refugee in Denmark.
Dilated Peoples comes to HEAT
Yesterday it was confirmed that the Californian Dilated Peoples comes to HEAT Wednesday, June 3.
Deadline May 15 to ITU
Remember that it is now on Friday, May 15, 2009 is the deadline to enroll in a graduate program at the IT University of Copenhagen, if you want to start your study in the fall of 2009.
Spot Festival in Aarhus
So slid 15 Edition to Spot festival started in Aarhus, in the days from 21 to 23 May.
Loco - Exploited Night at Voxhall
Saturday, May 16 at. 23 comes the popular Club LOCO to Voxhall, and can present names such as Shir Khan, Adam Sky, Daniel Dexter and Matias & Løwenstein.
Prevent skin cancer easily and free
One of the most common cancers in Denmark is skin cancer. For this reason holds Cancer Society is currently a campaign against skin cancer.
New political agreement on internshi…
The government, the Social Democrats, the Danish People's Party and the Social Liberal Party has in the light of the financial crisis negative impact on the internship area contracted for an internship package, which will help to provide more places.
Get lessons on professionsuddannelse…
The students of teachers, educators, nurses and social worker training programs are rarely affected by canceled lessons. It shows a new study.
Internships can be found on the web
The website is in the air. Thus, the campaign to make young people aware that they can find their placement on the Internet, kicked off.
Jean Michel Jarre at the Arena
There is still the possibility to obtain tickets for this unique show.
Devin The Dude on Rust
Is there one who was not afraid to make fun of himself and hip hop universe, it's Devin The Dude.
The race in University Park
So it is once again time for the annual regatta in University Park who usually pick somewhere between 10,000- 12,000 students.
New film focuses on talent
How can we organize the educational system so that it gives talented children and young people the best opportunities to develop? Ministry of Education's new film "Talent in Denmark " put up for debate.