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Good tips for those who are consider…
There are countless good reasons why Norway should be considered in relation to taking a semester abroad. The fantastic neighboring country is a veritable paradise for nature lovers, with a sea of exciting activities and opportunities. Norway is also a really good place to be a student and there are many educational opportunities. Read along here. What you need to know about studying in Norway As a Dane, it is relatively easy to come to study in Norway, however there are some entry requirements that are relevant to read up on. You can, for example, take a semester or take a higher education in the country. As a Danish citizen, you also do not need to apply for a visa, as you are a citizen of…
How to get the most out of your SU
As a student, there is rarely much to worry about, and some find it difficult to make the budget stick together. With common sense and consideration, you can still live a good life as a student, because it is largely about planning and saving. Read along here, where we give you good tips to make the money last. Not all places are lucky enough to get money from the state to live on while studying, but still some choose to take a student job to get a little extra money to live on. You can do that, but it is actually possible to live for your SU if you want to prioritize your time for homework. Set a budget with room for the fun As a student, and in other contexts where you have…
Student? Compare prices for your App…
As a student, there is rarely a lot of money to do well with, because even though here in Denmark you are well off because we have the SU, it can still be difficult to make the budget stick together. If you are also a student, or for other reasons are interested in getting the most for your money, read along here, where we look at how you can save a lot of money by buying used. Buying used is developing into something of a folk sport, because more and more people are opening their eyes to the fact that there can be a lot of money saved here. Maybe you even have good things lying around that you no longer use and that you can sell and get money for. The mobile wears on the budget One of the…
Do you need fabric curtains or blind…
Fabric curtains can be used both at home and in the office. In the home, they can provide privacy and decorate a room. In the office, they can be used to block the light or to create a more private work area. Fabric curtains are a great way to add color and personality to a room. Fabric curtains can be used to create privacy, color and personality in a room. You can get help from a professional curtain expert when you want to buy or install fabric curtains. There are several curtain stores in North Zealand that can help you choose the right type of fabric curtains for your home or office. There is a big difference between fabric curtains and blinds. Fabric curtains are usually heavier and…
What type of dog food is best for yo…
This content is sponsored There is no single answer to what type of dog food is best for your dog. It depends on several factors including age, race and health. If in doubt, it may be a good idea to consult your veterinarian. Compare the best brands of dog food 2022 There are a sea of different brands when it comes to dog food. It can therefore be difficult to find out which food is best for your dog. Therefore, you can advantageously find a test with the product expert , where the best dog food brands in 2022 are compared. That way, you can see the benefits of the different feeds, and find out which brand is best for your particular dog. The product expert test gives you an overview of…
Find the best protein powder that su…
This content is sponsored There are a sea of different types of protein powder on the market and it can therefore be difficult to figure out which protein powder to choose. One should always make some considerations before buying protein powder. What type of training do you do? How much do you train? Once you have mastered your needs, you can start comparing the different products in the market. How to find the best protein powder for you When it comes to finding the best protein powder for yourself, there are several things to keep in mind. Firstly, there are different types of protein powder - which also means that there are…
Danish link building companies are a…
As society around the world quickly becomes more and more digitalized, completely new needs and opportunities for marketing arise. The Internet has quickly become the largest hunting ground for companies to find new customers and keep in touch with existing customers, and the overall method used to make this fluctuate is called SEO. SEO is short for "Search Engine Optimization", and one of the most important tools in this method is called link building. Denmark is one of Europe's leading countries when it comes to link building, and there are three companies in particular that deliver quality in a trinity, and together have grown big. They are We Digitize, MadEye Digital and…
How to have a good, SU-friendly trip…
We are many who look forward to being allowed to travel seriously again. But now that departure has reopened, there is a rift over travel. It certainly does not make it any easier to have to find a trip while you are at SU. So how can you make sure you get a good trip where you can also take into account that you are at SU? Be structured and maintain an overview We can quickly let the joy of going out and travel overshadow all the practicalities that we must of course also remember to keep track of. While it can be annoying to have to be structured, it can make it significantly easier for your wallet and yourself to get off to a good start. Once you have figured out where you are going, it…