Skt. Hans in Odense tonight

Skt. Hans in Odense tonight

Denmark's largest St. His bonfires being set on fire in the Meadow at Forest Lake in Odense.

The program of St. Petersburg. His evening starts already at. 14:00 where space opens. There is Tivoli with carousel and raffle mm and it is possible to make twist bread at the small campfire. Kulturmaskinen entertains the square, where there is also plenty of outdoor activities and children's concerts. From pm. 5:00 p.m. to 22:00's jazz music from the stage, followed by Uncle Evil Band, Anders Mogensen and finally in the evening 99 Blows.

Kl. 20:50, just before the bonfire is lit keep urban and Alderman Jane Jegind one båltale. Midsummer ballad sung and bonfire is lit.

You can have fun all night along with thousands of citizens of Odense on Engen. Do not think you make dinner and eat your fill of omelette and bread on a stick.

Engen at Forest Lake is one of the only places in Odense suitable to house so many people at one time and a huge bonfire. In Odense are at least sure to keep evil away that night and get sent witch well off to the Brocken.

Skt. His fire is one of the strongest traditions we have in Denmark. As we sing in the famous midsummer show: "Each city has its witch and each parish its trolls, those we will from life with bonfire keep" which draws on the many sundaes had since the Middle Ages, where you gave people you did not like, as witches. So could that way get rid of them. In the early 1800s, when they stopped to burn the "real" witches, was found instead in a symbolic way to send evil off on. With that, you two birds with one stone, as you while involved the German and Swedish tradition of Walpurgis Night, where they lit fires to keep evil away. This tradition was, however, the night before May 1, but were merged with St. Hans' birthday, which was exactly six months before Jesus was born. The suit also fairly with midsummer, located d. 21 June as the Vikings originally celebrated.

Just as Christmas has been a Christian tradition, St. His also become a cultural Christian tradition, celebrated by almost all Danes regardless of faith. The most celebrated for fun and therefore know very few probably why it is celebrated. Emphasis is not so much value in our national religion more as they did before. Enlightenment has made religions has been pushed into the background, like a personal thing people have if they feel the need for it. But since we love traditions and it helps to create unity in a country that preserved many of the religious festivities that often formerly pagan celebrations. One can in a sense say that tradition consists whether the motives perish.

We have come a long way from burning people at the stake to where we are today.