Societal commitment is among young people

Societal commitment is among young people

More and more young people are interested in society. They are interested in CSR and CO2 neutral activities. What is it and how do you get started?

Do you know what CSR is? Perhaps you do if I tell you that CSR is an abbreviation for Corporate Social Responsibility. If you want to translate it into Danish, it covers concepts such as social responsibility, community awareness and voluntary social work. Dear child has many names. Common to the concepts, however, is that companies that work with CSR have an interest in the community that surrounds them.

"What's up with me?" You're probably asking. The short answer is all.


CSR activities in everyday life

JYSK does it. BESTSELLER does. More and more Danish and foreign companies draw up so-called green accounts, telling them the world about their different activities aimed at society.

Yes, that sounds difficult, but it's not at all. It's just about thinking about. Everybody can think so, so everyone can join. You have guaranteed a friend, friend or an old girlfriend who takes a social responsibility. It would surprise me if you had not, for more and more young people, have an interest in CSR . You can also make a difference and you actually do that already:

  • You may do volunteering at the local sports club.
  • You may recycle the paper if you are going to read a Danish episode through.
  • You may go for products that use CO2 neutral packaging when you buy.

It is useful to be CO2 neutral

Peace, love and harmony. Yes I know. It sounds like something old longhaired hippiepis. The fact is just that it is useful to think in CSR. It is useful to strive to become CO2 neutral .

Why do you think so many companies think about CSR? Think about the climate debate, think of the future generations. Let's just talk right out of the bag. Of course, companies want to make a difference, but of course there is also a financial gain that you definitely must not blind to. That's what companies call "the triple buttomline" - the third bottom line. I'm just saying so that you can decide. Where would you rather do volunteering and why? Do not misunderstand me. I know that you may not do voluntary work for the sake of your blue eyes. Volunteering benefits your CV. That's how it is for the companies too. They also want to earn money from their activities.

Does my social work make a difference?

That's a good question. The short answer is yes. Perhaps your social work and your personal CSR activities may seem like drops in the ocean. They are not. Keep in mind that many beggars make a big one.

CSR, CO2 neutral and social responsibility are trendy concepts, but they are not only forgotten tomorrow. It may seem difficult, but you are already running. Now you just have to continue. Ready! Set! BARK!