Free Salsa lessons

Free Salsa lessons

Odense has a cultural center called the International House. International House organizes many fun and exciting happenings as concerts, theme days and salsa club that is free education in dance salsa.
Then you sat and followed in all sections of "Dancing with the Stars " and now are trying to do one dance world, so you can get a free taste of the Latin American dances Monday, November 3 - actually, we offer International House salsatek virtually every Monday year round. Salsatek serves as "Walk-in salsa " where one can literally come in from the street and onto the bonnede floors. Salsatek start from pm. 20:00 every Monday with an introduction to newcomers. From pm. 21 to about 23 is salsa disco where you can dance like a madman to Cuban salsa music. Read more about International House

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