Delayed study life as a micro influencer

Delayed study life as a micro influencer

If you want to satisfy your study life with some extra money or delicious presents, you should consider becoming a micro influencer.

If you have a fondness for using social media, it's absolutely ideal.

Everyone can basically become influenced if you want to spend the necessary time learning discipline.

What is an influencer?  

An influencer is a person who can move positions and influence the direction on which influencers network acts. All people with a presence on social media can in principle be influencers if they understand to push people's views.

The platform of the influencer is typically a social media, through which it tries to target a specific message to its connections or followers.

Micro influencers are influencers with a limited number of followers. This type of influencers has recently become highly sought after as it has been shown that there is a high level of engagement and interaction on their records.

Micro influencers typically have about 1,000 followers on the social media they use to target specific messages.

One of the reasons why the success of micro influencers is so great is because their opinions and recommendations are perceived as more credible. Most people have gradually learned that famous people make advertising.


What social media can be used?  

Instagram is one of the obvious media for influencers. Here the influencer can do Instagram advertising for a company, without being perceived as advertising. Therefore, messages from an influencer are often very effective. Read more about Instagram advertising here:

Facebook, LinkedIn and Snapchat can also be used as an influencer platform. Instagram is however the preferred medium for this type of marketing.

Many companies choose to combine their influencing marketing on Instagram with Instagram advertising.


What do you get as a micro influencer?

As a micro influencer you will typically be rewarded with gifts from the companies you promote.

The gifts are the company's products that you test and make suggestions about.

It may also be possible to receive money as a micro influencer, but it is not often seen.

Then you want to satisfy your study life with some extra gifts, so be micro influences.

Here you can read more about influencer marketing .