Crahsguides to Aarhus, Odense and Aalborg

Crahsguides to Aarhus, Odense and Aalborg

In collaboration with Jyske Bank can present three videos that show five places you should not miss in:


If you are new in town, where do you go? Here are five suggestions on where to find the coolest places students in Aarhus. We go around with Maja Viola Buskbjerg that sits in the Board of the Student Council at the University of Aarhus. Read more about: -Studenterhuset in Aarhus -east of paradise -Globen Flakket Café


Anja Følleslev is Head of Student Odense, and she shows here are five places that are good to know if you have to be a student in Odense. -Kulturmaskinen -Studenterhuset In Odense -Cafébiografen -Rytmeposten -Kongens Garden -The Smagløse Café


Lars Kuur is treasurer of the Student Society in Aalborg. He shows us five places you should know when you are a student in the city. -Café Nordkraft -Studenterhuset in Aalborg -Jomfru Ane Gade