Climbing Kilimanjaro

Climbing Kilimanjaro

Kilimanjaro is one of the world's natural wonders, due to its beautiful snow-capped peak, green lush forests and environment of dry savannah. Mount Kilimanjaro, also called Mount Kilimanjaro, Africa's highest mountain with a height of 5,895 meters. The mountain is located in Tanzania, near the border with Kenya and soar to 4,800 meters above the surrounding landscape. Kilimanjaro is undoubtedly quite breathtaking experience. The huge mountain includes three volcanic peaks, all of which were formed thousands of years ago. None of the volcanoes are really active today. The highest peak on the mountain is Uhuru Peak at 5,895 meters. The other peaks are at 5149 meters Mawenzi and Shira at 3,962 meters.

Benefits of Kilimanjaro
The benefits of climbing Africa's highest mountain, Kilimanjaro, are many. The highest point, Uhuru Peak has been climbed several thousand times, and not without reason. The road up to the top is challenging, scenic and great for the soul. However, there are some fundamental reasons why one should go on a mountain climbing and have an experience of a lifetime.

If you dream to climb a mountain, the Kilimanjaro an optimal choice. Kilimanjaro is actually one of the easier high mountains to climb when the mountain does not have so dramatically high terrain that other mountains. Especially if you compare Kilimanjaro with the highest mountains in the world on the world's seven continents.

This does not mean that Kilimanjaro is an easy mountain to climb, it is not. The mountain requires a good physical condition, as to behave in a constantly growing terrain. Kilimanjaro challenge one's fitness and strengthens all the joints and muscles in the body, which is very healthy for the body. After the ascent of Africa's highest mountain, would physics be in the top. Are you looking for a good mountain to climb for the first time, the Kilimanjaro a good choice.

The nature
One of the biggest advantages to climb Mount Kilimanjaro, is definitely the breathtaking scenery which the mountain is surrounded by. Nature is completely overwhelming experience, with the beautiful snetop, beautiful green forests and where you also have the savannah, as the mountain is surrounded by. It's very special to see and experience the small unique places, and nature is hidden away from the public.

Kilimanjaro is designated as a national park, which means that there will be cherished much about the flora and fauna. There are thus very strict rules and regulations on what can and can not, to keep nature as clean and nice as possible. This has resulted in that even if the mountain is thousands of tourists every year, the area is completely clean and there are no signs of garbage and miscellaneous stuff. You therefore experience a very clean and beautiful scenery on the mountain.

Kilimanjaro both by trekking or mountaineering is not only good for your physical health but also for your soul. It provides a kind of cleansing and therapy to climb the mountain. The reason for this is that many people climb the mountain to realize a lifelong dream or simply to challenge themselves. Other people climb Kilimanjaro to mark a special event in their lives.

The ascent up the mountain means that you have time to think about his life, and discover which way you will go in life. In addition, it is not so little to say that has climbed Africa's highest mountain. It is something you will be incredibly confident and proud to have done. This is another reason to climb the mountain, which makes you become more aware of yourself as a person, but also become proud of yourself as a person.