Big difference in student financial flexibility

Big difference in student financial flexibility

It has long been a hotly debated topic: Is the SU too high or too low? Some students live very well during their studies, while others forgælder out to get it to stick together.

So how can it be true that some students can afford to travel and designer clothes, while others believe they have to borrow money to afford food? Are some students just lazy and wasteful than others?

A small study by shows that the big difference on student financial flexibility in many cases can be traced to the difference in rent.

Big difference on rent

Looking at colleges in Copenhagen, there is a difference of 3,642 kr. Between the most expensive and the cheapest one-man studio housing. "But the difference in price on the open housing market is estimated to be significantly higher," said Camilla Green, private economic consultant at .

This year sounds SU-rate of 5,255 kr. After tax. If you live on the island's Collegiate on Amager, where a one-man studio housing costs up to 5,242 kr., Has thus 13 kroner SU to live for when the rent is paid. This is equivalent to a packet of oatmeal without milk well and feel.

Residents on the island Collegiate is therefore highly dependent on a student or a savings, if they do not want to indebt themselves. One may therefore wonder why students with either a student or savings still choose to live in residence halls like this.

The alternative is illegal housing solutions

"The problem is that there is a great shortage of housing in the largest cities. Therefore, students can not just choose to stay in the cheapest housing. It is indeed lucky if you even get offered a home in Copenhagen and Aarhus. Many are homeless and living illegally the first months of their study because of the housing shortage "explains Camilla Green.

Should you get the nifty idea to share a room with his girlfriend or friend, and save money that way, you can think again. Rental housing in a room is in most cases restricted to a single person. There is simply illegal to stay more on the address, even if two people could benefit from sharing both the room and expenses.

Are the other hand fortunate to be awarded a home on Regensen or Valkendorf College in the heart of Copenhagen, get besides the good location also a low rent of 1600 kr. It provides economic maneuverability of 3655 kr. Per month. Have you also a student, you can live very well and get advice for travel, cool apparel and savings on top.