Hold just the right introuge and intro tour

Hold just the right introuge and intro tour

On the Danish schools across the country, held the first weeks of the study introduction days, where students learn to know each other. A little further inside the school curriculum held introductory tour, all with the aim to shake the students together. There are several ways these days intro and intro tour can be put together - we give you a few tips on how in this article.

To schedule the right introuge

It varies from study to study, how long and comprehensive intro week. In addition, there are also great differences in how the division of academic and social activities.

In some cases, it is up to the students themselves, to plan social activities - be they new students or an instructor / tutor team. The following tips will be useful in both situations.

Tip # 1: Use paid as well as free events. Check out what options you have for activities like Paintball or other team building activities , as with its high speed and team play brings the whole flock together. In addition, it would be natural to take advantage of the free events or other teambuilding, where the costs for the new students are low (see eg. These exercises ). In addition, it may be obvious to contact such visitDINBY.dk (insert current city name) and inquire about the free activities they would recommend.

Tip # 2: Plan as much in advance as possible. People have their own way of dealing with planning, but there are a large number of people who would like to have everything planned in advance. Therefore let these people have the ability to be in control of the whole day's event in advance. In addition, planning to create expectations about the day's entertainment for the students.

Tip # 3: Make several natural divisions of the event. This way you ensure both that people can come and go whenever they want and you avoid people just stay away, because the time is not appropriate. Furthermore, this ensures also that people have more interest in participating if they can easily opt out items that they have no interest in attending.

To schedule the proper introduction tour

When it comes to the actual intro ride, then other areas you should be aware of. We have collected 3 tips on how to most easily plan intro trip including.

Tip # 1: Add contests and prizes. During the trip, it may be an idea to have a lot of competitions, which groups as well as individuals can win. This can be, for example, team-building activities, udklædnings- or madkonkurrencer.

Tip # 2: Use the opportunity to bring people together again. Although people have already found together in the first group before the trip, the intro ride a golden opportunity to bring people together in new groups. Building the network is already important at the outset your student ( source ), and a intro tour can for many be signaled the beginning just that. Plan activities throughout the day, all the days that the trip lasts. The more competition you can create between the individual teams in these competitions, the better the outcome will be.

Tip # 3: Plan activities both day and night. Since alcohol often have a big impact on a intro tour, so it is important that the event is planned with the possibility of participation with and without alcohol. A good way in which this can be done is by doing activities both day and night, which naturally has a breakdown.

Are you in Aarhus area, then slipped past Eventhall.dk and check out how they can assist in creating a bold introuge for you.