Cafe Viggo's
Cafe Viggo's is an extremely popular tavern and bar cards from the pedestrian zone in the center of Odense and close to dining spot Bone's - Cafe Viggo's many fun traditions blah. brand mug where guests have their own master mug.
Viggo has more than 20 years helped to create good
tavern atmosphere in Odense. Crowd is mixed and there is room for everyone. The music is spreading widely through the different genre, so there is music for everyone! The rooms are comfortably furnished with authentic pub atmosphere. Over the ceilings and the majority of the walls, runs garlands of beer mugs, all belonging to clients to - drink 10 draft beers and get your own personal beer mugs with the name stuck. See you on Viggo's ...
Get an insight into the cozy værsthusstemning!
To "drink date"
To drink date on Viggo's hops behind the concept.
Guests have for more than 20 years d rukket more than 40,000 dates! In the ceiling and on the walls there are more than 5,000 mugs, guests have drunk themselves.
The basic rules are simple: driks ten large draft beer and get your own mug - the entire framework can be read in the bar or below.
Once you have ever had your own mug, so be sure to renew it at least 1 time per year, or take it down, so adding new ones.
You can follow their website when you or your friends eventually have drunk date, or see who has the record for most dates.
Date / Mug Regulations
- There should be drunk 10. half-liter beer
- or cider before we close that day.
- The first time you have created, you MUST bring a valid photo ID.
- Bracelet to sit on the wrist or the handle on the mug until date is finished.
- The mug / glass can not leave the bar or taken to the toilet.
- DO NOT throw up.
- DO NOT fall asleep.
- It is YOUR responsibility to report that you want to scan the bartender every time.
- You may like to go out to eat, but no more than 2 hours and it must be reported to the bartender
before. You may also want to take a slice of into Viggos until 20:00 h. - There should be drunk at least one date a year or you'll lose your mug.
- NO provocative or offensive behavior.