University College Lillebælt

University College Lillebælt

University College Lillebælt is Southern Denmark University Colleges where you can take several medium-length, higher education, where all are educated to a particular profession.

Furthermore, there is also here offered further training in the profession of education field.

Thus, there will be at University College Lillebælt offered training for administration bachelor, laboratory technician, occupational therapist, physiotherapist, teacher, educator, radiographer, social worker and nurse and also includes Continuing Education and Practice Development and Center for Educational. Not least the development of knowledge in the welfare society's core areas.

When at University College Lillebælt choose to take a bachelor degree in one of the nine welfare professions, you are guaranteed an education that is composed of theoretical insight, reflection, and experience from practice. Thus, there is inlaid in training the learning of several forms, as well as training course. - With a finished education from here you get such a title of bachelor.

The institution has branches in Odense, Vejle, Svendborg and Jelling. In total there are here at the end of 2014; 722 employees, more than 8,000 students in bachelor degree programs, more than 8,500 students / students at diploma, academic and other continuing education and finally 9,000 course enrollments for short, practical courses for teachers and trainers in CFU Nations.

In other words, University College Lillebælt one of the most extensive educational institutions in Denmark.

Pædagoguddannelsen at University College Lillebælt takes 3 1/2 years with 14 months of practical training. Furthermore tilbyderes a 3-year credit education to the educator. The education offered at Rømersvej 3 in Odense and in Svendborg and Jelling.

The program at the University College Lillebælt takes 4 years 4 ½-month internship. It also offers teacher training program that takes 1-3 years depending on the light. The program is offered in the premises of Middelfartsvej 180 in Odense and in Jelling.

Socialrådgiveruddannelsen takes 3 1/2 years of internship for 5 months. Here you can also choose a special IT-based study form. Social worker program is offered on Tolderlundsvej 5 in Odense and Vejle.

Administration Bachelor's degree at University College Lillebælt takes 3 1/2 years of internship for 4 months. Here you can also choose a special IT-based study form. This training is offered also on Tolderlundsvej 5, 5000 Odense C.

Nursing at University College Lillebælt takes 3 1/2 years of work experience in 1 1/2 years. The education offered at Blangstedgårdsvej 4 in Odense, along with the four other health education as well as in Svendborg and Vejle.

Physiotherapy program at the University College Lillebælt takes 3 ½ years of work experience in 7 months. The program is also located at Blangstedsgårdsvej 4 in Odense.

Occupational Therapy at University College Lillebælt takes 3 ½ years of work experience in 7 months. The program is also located at Blangstedsgårdsvej 4 in Odense.

Radiography at University College Lillebælt takes 3 1/2 years of work experience in 16 months. The program is also located at Blangstedsgårdsvej 4 in Odense.

Bioanalytiker program at University College Lillebælt takes 3 1/2 years of internship for 12 months. The program is also located at Blangstedsgårdsvej 4 in Odense.

Finally, you Leadership Academy Little Belt as part of University College Lillebælt, offering training for managers and administrative employees and is one of the leading providers of education and management training. Here educates present and future leaders in the public, voluntary and private companies. This is located on Rugårdsvej 286 in Odense.