Textile School

Textile School

Only 20 minutes by train from Copenhagen Central Station and 10 minutes on foot Situated Textile School in Holte.

Textile School is a preparatory design school for young people who dream of a future in design and fashion. The school is located in a beautiful area with woods just off Vejlesø.

To be admitted to the school, you must be at least 16 years or completing primary school. It is not only for the very young, but the typical age is between 16 and 28 years. There is also no admission or special characters you must have obtained to start the school. As long as you have the interest and desire, then your commitment shines through, then you will get a lot out of your stay at the school.

Teachers at the school are even designers of various kinds. It's skilled trainers who also teaches at many other design schools in Denmark and which itself exhibits or organizes fashion shows.

The school is established on a basis to help young people an education that could lead them far in the fashion, design and textile industry. The target is to qualify students to use their imagination and boost their development of ideas, so they themselves create their own style. Innovation and design development is a cornerstone of Textile School. There is great competition in the industry and plenty of opportunities, but also many takers. So it is important to be prepared to withstand challenges and stand out from the crowd by creating its own niche.

Through love for the craft you will be guided by the school and teachers on how to ways to create your own style.

These photos are from Textil school exit show, ColourUp.
Photo: Atli Thor Alfredsson