Dentist Flemming Kock ApS

Dentist Flemming Kock ApS

Here at the clinic we always strive to create a safe and trusted environment.

We listen to your needs, and emphasize information. We informs generally about the situation here and now, and if something must be done, we prepare a plan. taking into account your wishes and needs.

You are always welcome to call us and make an appointment for examination or an informal conversation about special needs or wishes for dental treatment.


about clinic

The goal is that our patients must be healthy, strong teeth throughout their lives. It provides self-esteem and well-being and thus quality of life.

It can only be achieved through long-term cooperation based on trust and confidence.

This places great demands on us, and we are quite conscious about.

With us is patient-centered.

We have a good working environment, providing a relaxing atmosphere.

Based on the clinic's many years of experience and profound knowledge we emphasize that good dental care requires individual consideration. Both small and large, advanced treatments require understanding and insight.

Continuous training of all employees ensures that we can always offer the best and latest treatment.

We aim to any treatment is painless and uses, among acupuncture especially in connection with dental phobia.