TPMarketing or Transparent Marketing engaged in productive, transparent online marketing. It is as if the marketing of all kinds of purposes, ranging from more traffic, better conversion rate of recruitment and more. Most importantly, the experience involves the client's desired end results and therefore forventningsafstemmes there early in the process, while taking honestly decide on a realistic time frame for the project and the necessary tools to be used to achieve its objectives. The weighted high that the client agrees with all relevant information and data from the start, so use the time needed on dialogue and cooperation.
TPMarketing working on different areas of web design , SEO and online marketing as they all support a company's identity online and can help to either strengthen or weaken this. The combination of the measures TPMarketing, in close cooperation with the client, decides to perform based on a long-term strategy, but focus on those areas where the client feels most challenged. TPMarketing provide an overview of the action plan to be implemented and functions throughout the process as an advisor, consultant and support for the client. This means that there will continuously communicated and updated, which will make the development clear and understandable to all parties. There are packages and subscriptions, but TPMarketing will always understand the client's situation, understand it and tailor the most appropriate solution for each client. TPM Web should be understood as a tool that can either build a new website or web shop or transform an existing web site or web shop. These developed naturally with the given objectives in mind and that can be traded on all kinds of wishes, as the developers at TPMarketing is both competent and creative. TPM Online is a tool that looks at the client's performance and then made a proposal for activities in search engine optimization, Google Adwords and Facebook advertising, which will then be performed with sustained success purpose.
TPMarketing is a concept built on integrity, honesty and creativity and has the mission to strengthen his clients' identity online, helping them succeed and still improved results.