Sunset Boulevard - Odense

If you want fast food that is not as sinful as so much other junk food, Sunset Boulevard is an obvious choice for you. Sunset Boulevard even describes on their website that "it just feels better". They take care of their takeaway, while quality, freshness and efficiency are of utmost importance to them. Here you can get delicious sandwiches, burgers, ferrets and other things that you can eat directly in the restaurant or take away, whatever you want. Sunset Boulevard is to be found all over the country, and in Odense you will find Sunset in the Rosengård Center.

Jeppe Droob gets the idea for Sunset Boulevard during a trip to Australia. At the age of 26, he had just quit his job and did not know exactly what to do. Jeppe had always had a dream of starting his own business and therefore had eyes and ears for exciting ideas. In Australia, he noticed the variety of options available to get something quick to eat under casual forms - especially in sandwiches. At this point, a sandwich in Esbjerg, where Jeppe comes from, was something with 2 pieces of French bread and slightly bland stuff, so the idea of opening a sandwich restaurant started to take shape slowly and Jeppe quickly got the family company on the idea when he returned to Denmark.

In 1996, the world's first Sunset Boulevard restaurant opens in Odense Railway Station, which is their first restaurant in this fast food chain. On the menu you could find sandwiches both cold and grilled as well as the famous french fries with the special spice. Restaurant number two came shortly after in Esbjerg February 1997. And from there it has progressed steadily and quietly.

Sunset Boulevard has more than 40 restaurants spread around Denmark and the Faroe Islands. The success behind this is that Sunset Boulevard is constantly updated on the latest food trends, and for the same reason, their menu is also updated several times a year. That way, they can offer their guests the most exciting selection of sandwiches, burgers, salads, desserts and their French fries classic. Every day, Sunset struggles to give their guests an experience beyond the ordinary. Honesty, openness and helpfulness are values that play a major role in Sunset's approach. Through this, customers are ensured high quality food and service. As burgers, sandwiches, French fries and desserts are served daily across the counter, it is important for Sunset to make a great deal of the right ingredients, in order to be able to put together delicious flavor combinations that taste great, but also irritates the taste buds. Sunset tests and tastes lots of products and ingredients, and lets their guests do the same to find the new favorite.

Sunset Boulevard wants to be known for their hospitality and professionalism, so they always make sure that their customers are satisfied. Here it is nice to be, and you as a customer must always feel welcome and pampered. Whether you want to be pampered in their restaurants or take the food home and enjoy in your own home, this is possible. You may want to check out their website to see if there is no Sunset restaurant near you.