Stjernqvist Traffic School

Stjernqvist Traffic School is a driving school with over 50 years of experience in teaching people to kørebil. Traffic School was founded in 1957 and today offers a driving license for all categories of vehicles.

With Stjernqvist Traffic School offers a flexible education based on high quality, commitment and motivation driving instructors.

Theory lessons are a combination between IT training and group lessons - you get both a top modern IT training that puts you facing problems that you may encounter in traffic while you get a team teaching, where you can ask all the questions you tumble with about driving and traffic rules.

Traffic School has been in the same family since the beginning. This means that traffic school has more than 50 years of experience in offering driving license and train driving instructors - an experience that will benefit you if you choose to take your driver's license at Stjernqvist.

Stjernqvist Traffic School is developing all the time - for example, they have over the recent years when AMU courses to taxi, bus and truck in Frederiksberg and North Zealand.  

Traffic School is a member of the Danish Driving Teachers' Federation of where Michael Stjernqvist sits on the Board as Vice Chairman.

At Stjernqvist Traffic School, the different license packages. An example of a package of traffic school looks like this:

The package contains:

8 hours of traffic-related first aid course
4 lessons on maneuver trajectory
(Incl. Track rental, car rental, transport and accident insurance)
Unlimited theory and slide test
(ELearning certificate to 4 months.)
16 driving lessons in traffic
4 lessons on road safety center
(Incl. Track rental, car rental, transport and accident insurance)
First aid course

A total of 24 driving lessons and 29 theory lessons

Price: kr. 8.590, -