Deadline for higher education is approaching

Deadline for higher education is approaching

When you have to apply to enter higher education are mainly two quotas you need to know. Quota 2 application deadline is March 15, and you can read more about this in the article "Quota 1 and 2" on

In quota 1, your application will only be assessed on an average of the qualifying examination. Here, all the specific requirements are being met and thus this quota for the applicants who consider that their average is assured a student. Absolutely final deadline by quota 1 is Tuesday 5th July 12 noon. But one should be aware that you never know the average for the year, before all applicants are assessed. The average depends on how many applicants higher education receives for the study, and which examination average applicants. Moreover, it is worth remembering that if the last 2 years since you completed your qualifying examination, you adjusted your examination average upwards, you multiply the average by 1.08. Not least, it is important for applicants who do not come directly from secondary education, the average calculated from the new 7-step scale.