Deadline May 15 to ITU
Remember that it is now on Friday, May 15, 2009 is the deadline to enroll in a graduate program at the IT University of Copenhagen, if you want to start your study in the fall of 2009.
ONLINE APPLICATION Now it is also possible to complete and submit the application form online. You will find both online and offline application form and guidance here: http://www1.itu.dk/sw61223.asp STUDY GUIDANCE HAS LONG OPEN Student Counselling is open: - Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday at 10-18 - On Thursday and Friday at 10 14 You can: - call tel. 7218 5240 - mail at studievejledningen@itu.dk - appear in person in room 2A30 at the IT university LECTURE oN GLOBAL INTERACTION 15th May You are invited to attend the open lecture on global interaction in the real world. Two business people illustrate the skills and tools needed to be able to interact globally. Time and place: Friday, May 15 at 13-15 in auditorium 4 at the IT University, Rued Vej 7, 2300 Copenhagen S. See announcement here Source: ITU