Sex and Society

Sex and Society

Family Planning Association want a world where everyone has access to information and health care services in relation to sexuality, pregnancy and childbirth. Where sexuality is recognized in its diversity, both as a valuable part of life and as a fundamental human right. And where stigma and discrimination does not exist and where the right to choose is fully respected.

Spirit of Family Planning


A group of female Danish doctors have a strong desire to help young girls and women who have gotten into trouble because of unwanted pregnancies. Medical Agnete Bræstrup was taking initiativt to the Association for Family Planning.


Sex education is compulsory in Denmark


Abortion is released in Denmark


Family Planning Association celebrates 50th anniversary

Week Sex campaign is being run for the first time with 39,000 participants

Week Sex campaign held for the fourth time with over 150,000 participants.
Danida appoints Family Planning program organization

Family Planning Association gets new logo and design

Top of the association's agenda was the question of abortion, mandatory sex education in schools and information about contraception.

Almost 50 years later, Danish women have access to abortion, sex education is a compulsory subject in primary schools, and the association has changed its name to Family Planning.

In 2006 celebrated the association's 50th anniversary.

Some may think that the association in the domestic field has run its course. But there are still too many girls who become pregnant in Denmark, for many young people who are infected with a sexsygdom and too little quality of public schools' sex education. So there is still enough to address.

Today, the Family Planning Association of work broader and encompasses the entire world, and we work with all topics related to health and rights concerning sexuality, pregnancy and childbirth.

Family Planning Association has since 1994 carried out development projects in a number of developing countries. Since its inception, Family Planning Association was a member of the world's leading family planning organization, the International Planned Parenthood Federation .