Six billion to universities

Six billion to universities

By the government's budget proposal, it appears that they wish to use six billion crowns on improvements to the universities.

Universities can look forward to six billion extra money in the next six years. The money the government will use for renovation of, inter alia, laboratories, but also for new construction. It says Science Minister Helge Sander (V) to Berlingske Tidende in connection with the government at tomorrow (on 25-08-2008) publishes its proposal for a new budget for 2010. "It will also benefit the construction industry and help to create more activity in the community ", says Helge Sander. The three year old Globalization Group will be responsible for part of the financing. This has been adopted by a majority in Parliament.

Panum's one billion

Helge Sander emphasizes in its statements that the money will come "all the universities for good '. He does not want to identify specific areas for investment, but stresses that it alone will cost about one billion crowns to build the so-called Panum Tower at the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Copenhagen. President of the Danish Universities and Rector of the University of Southern Denmark, Jens Oddershede, roses applicable government's plan: "But I would like to see played out in a context. If it means there will be less money for research, so it is not so well. But there is no doubt that there is a need for better facilities for research, "he says to Berlingske Tidende.