To prevent stress TFT and stress coaching.

To prevent stress TFT and stress coaching.

When the tasks are piling up around you and you put others' needs before your own, so you get less energy to yourself and do it long enough, you risk going down with stress. To prevent this bad spiral, then you stop and focus on yourself for a moment.

Many find themselves overwhelmed with tasks and find it difficult to say no. It affects them in relation to their everyday life and eventually they can not withstand more, not manageable everyday life and body and the mind says from. It provides a high level of absenteeism of both mental and physical character.

Stress occurs when we ourselves need to refuel, because we have been drained over time. When we are out of focus and get away from ourselves, we lose access to our own needs. So when we know what is best, it's not what we do. We want to help others, but we must take care of ourselves before we take care of others. You can not help others if you are not able to do so.

As the flight attendants on the plane always mention, then you should take your own oxygen mask on before helping others with their oxygen mask. In the same way it is with stress prevention. Help yourself before helping others.

If you have experienced stress and done you through, you might have a passion to help others in the same situation. You can do this by educating you as stress coach . There are many kinds of stress coach, but one of the coaching forms and tools that focus on removing any trauma that could sit in the way of taking care of themselves, Thought Field Therapy, also called TFT.

Thought Field Therapy stress coaching is a training you can take as trained treat or if you are engaged in a relevant education. As TFT stress coach you learn to identify clients' needs and build client up through Gefion model, which consists of five areas: Body Structure, Biochemistry, Energy, Psychosocial conditions and Life values and consciousness.

Another important element to reduce stress levels is to create peace of mind. You can learn through mindfulness, where you learn breathing exercises and achieve tranquility through being aware of yourself and live in the moment. Last but not least, you'll learn some simple coaching techniques. You can find out which dreams and goals the client and helping the client to provide clarity for its own goals, so these can be achieved without being stressed about everyday life.

Want to know more about the program as TFT Stress Coach, take contact to the Danish Zoneterapeut School .