SDU uses 35 million. to strengthen education

SDU uses 35 million. to strengthen education

University must be the best university to study at. Therefore lifted learning, service and study over the next four years.

Students at the University of Southern Denmark can look forward to their education gets a tremendous boost. The university will over the next four years spend 35 million kr. To strengthen the quality of education, improve services for the students and create a more attractive study. -Our Goal is simply to make the SDU to the best university to study at. It should be a good overall experience to take his education with us, and therefore we put on many fronts, says Rector Jens Oddershede.

The Students in the Centrum

University management has recently approved project "The Students in the Centrum", which contains 18 specific initiatives in learning, service and study. One of the most visible projects coming on Campus Odense, where there are plans to create one large service center and lounge area on the main street Gydehutten. Here, all service functions that students need, gather. In this way, the many thousands of students who spend their days on campus, quickly gain an overview of where to go with specific questions, and what opportunities they have to participate in other professional and social activities, such as . film club, lecture associations and sports. There are also new plans for Friday bar - and in general works with initiatives to create better conditions for student life at the university.

Activating learning - and sockets

- We need to make teaching more relevant and activation, so that students will want to engage, but we must also ensure that the framework is in order. There must be, for example access to the wireless network everywhere - and plenty of power outlets, so students do not have to stand in line to have their computers up, says Jens Oddershede. - We must listen, learn and grow, so we can constantly match the requirements of quality and commitment that students are entitled to expect of us, he adds. During 2011, the university has been through a process where students, teachers and administrative staff have identified areas with room for improvement, and it is the work which has now resulted in the staking of 35 million kroner. -We Have selected the best proposals to be put in away over the years. After several years of extensive resources to research, it is time to put extra focus on education, says Jens Oddershede.

A particular SDU culture

Nikolaj Ellekjær who is president of the student organization Syddanske Students welcomes the new initiative welcome. -We Were skeptical at first because we feared that the process would result in very few concrete changes. But as the project has taken shape, we can see that both strategy and action behind the initiative. It's nice to see that the university also thinking of creating a cozier student environment with social oases, which can create more communities outside the classroom, he said. - In addition to the specific initiatives, I also hope that "the Students in the Centrum" can help to cultivate a special SDU-culture in all areas is focused on optimizing the potential of the students, says Nikolaj Ellekjær. The project "The students in City Centre" headed by Jesper Strandskov who is Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences. Source: SDU