Café Ris Ras
Café Ris Ras (filliongongong) is a cozy and informal café with reasonable prices.
Here, especially beer lovers feel welcome. Café Ris Ras has for over 100 different kinds of beer. And you ask for a pint you get basically beer from Hancock in Skive.
Café Ris Ras is arranged so the place seems "homey" and cozy. Are you into vandrøg you can also smoke hookah at Café Ris Ras. Other specialties include age-old rum from the Caribbean and South America, Highlands whiskey, Russian champagne and unique red wine from South Africa.
If you're into games, Café Ris Ras offer Risk, Backgammon, Trivial Pursuit, cards, dice, and not least a fabulously, French football table. Café Ris Ras - a cozy and affordable place in Aarhus C.
Tip: You are welcome to bring food to enter the Café Ris Ras and eat it there.