Restaurant HOS

Restaurant HOS is located at the address Kongensgade 65 in Odense, and the owners of the restaurant describe the restaurant as being a contemporary and innovative smørrebrød in the center. In the restaurant, the owners Michelle Hemme and Jakob Spolum focused on lunch, but they also keep open on Friday and Saturday nights.

The atmosphere in the restaurant is informal and cozy, and here various kinds of contemporary sandwiches are served. They have played with the classic version of the sandwich, and from this they have created their own and modern version of a good rye bread. Here you will find not only a high-quality piece of smørrebrød, but a special dining experience that reflects on the way to make smørrebrød. The food is based on classic Danish and French cuisine. In addition to the various sandwiches, snacks and small a la carte dishes are also served. In the restaurant, a unique host has been created and a great atmosphere in beautiful surroundings, where you are served delicious food and drink, and you are absolutely sure to have a good dining experience here. The service in the restaurant is top notch and they describe themselves as having a relaxed but at the same time skilled service.


If you want something to drink, the restaurant has a classic wine list, where they have a lot of good wines at fine prices. In addition, they also have local beer, home-made schnapps and juices, which fit well with a good sandwich bread.

One of their focus points in the restaurant is ecology and local produce, thereby supporting Danish agriculture and Danish producers with high quality. This also helps to ensure the quality of the restaurant. Both owners have a long background in the restaurant world and have a great drive and professional pride. This is definitely something that can be tasted in the food, as a lot of love and quality has been added in the different dishes.

You can eat both after the little and the big hunger. So if you are on the big menu, you can order many different dishes and experience a little of everything. If, on the other hand, you have a lesser hunger, or just don't have as much money as a student, then you can choose just a small meal or even just visit the restaurant for a game of dessert, to experience the lovely atmosphere.

If you would like to get past a walk to a game of contemporary smørrebrød, check out the restaurant for lunch. If, on the other hand, you want to experience the a la carte menu with lots of snacks and different dishes, then you can get this in the restaurant Friday and Saturday night. The smell of homemade food in the restaurant, the subdued music in the loudspeaker and the high ambience are sure to give you a good experience where you can truly be pampered.