Restaurant Cro'n
Restaurant Cro'n was opened on 12 November 2002. Restaurant Cro'n located in Queen Street, which today is one of Odense's most desirable neighborhoods. In the fifties and sixties Restaurant Croen known as morning tavern "Flower". In the eighties and nineties was a popular Jazz tavern. Restaurant Cro'n serves traditional Danish dishes that our mother made them. When used always used fresh ingredients, the supply of each right may be restricted. Therefore, it is recommended that companies with more than 6 people pre-order food.
Restaurant Cro'n has room for 40 guests. It offers private events by appointment. Restaurant Cro'n also includes a patio, which is open from 1 May to 30 September, with room for 30 guests.
Restaurant Cro'ns menus based on the traditional classic Danish cuisine and wide ranging from "Fried pork with parsley sauce" over "Danish steak" to "Roast duck" and "fried eel" etc. All their dishes are "loving" made from scratch. Blue. their accessories such as beetroot, gherkins, cucumber salad, red cabbage and jams. The ingredients are carefully selected with a focus on the use of Danish products. The fixed menu card switches between summer and winter, and is suitable for the season.
Restaurant Cro'n added by acquisition, "This week's court" and "Menu of the Month". This week's dish is suitable for the season. Here offers the very old traditional dishes, such as "Yellow peas", "Brunkål", "Flødegullasch", "Skipperlabskovs" etc. Each month they also offer a 3 course menu with accompanying wines, as their wine supplier carefully select.