Restaurant Aabyudengaard

Restaurant Aabyudengaard

In the inner city of Aarhus, Restaurant Aabyudengaard houses. Restaurant Aabyudengaard is a cozy little restaurant, offering gastronomic experiences and little surprises.

Food at Aabyudengaard is not just a dish or dishes put together for a menu. It is the meal itself, which is interesting. It is social to be gathered at the table where one can enjoy each other's company, which is nice. Meals, consisting of small servings, must play with your senses, arouse as well as create memories. Restaurant Aabyudengaard offers you the unique, unique and outstanding and good ingredients. Through collaboration partners like Nordic Beef and HopBalle, Aabyudengaard contributes to a more sustainable world, where animal welfare is alright. At the same time, they get some tasty ingredients that will make your teeth run into water. You must see Restaurant Aabyudengaard as the new star shot in Aahusian gastronomy, worth a visit. The kitchen is located behind a glass wall, and in this way the guests are included to accompany the process. It creates openness in space and positive energy. On the whole, waiters and chefs are visible, and a big part of the experience. They show the road with knowledge, dedication and enthusiasm. Right-handers are arrested at the table under the accompanying narrative. They welcome you at the door and follow you nicely when you leave the restaurant. More spoiled you can hardly stay.

Aabyudengaard has a wine bar. The wine bar is characterized by ecology and a selection of modern and classic wines. The wine bar offers simple and unique dining where the food is intended for the wine and not the other way round. Aabyudengaard is always ready to welcome you and serve unique experiences.