Rankings of characters removed

Rankings of characters removed

Christine Antorini removed rankings of schools' average grades from the Ministry of Children and Education website.

Rank lists of school grade point average is October 10 removed from the Ministry of Children and Education website.

Other important factors

Children and Education Christine Antorini suggest that it makes no sense alone to take characters that indicates whether a school is good or bad. "There are many other factors determine whether schools are good and satisfy the requirements, the parents have to aim and teaching. My recommendation to parents is to assess the municipalities' quality reports and have a chat with the school management if they want to gain a true impression of the school's work, "says Christine Antorini. Users can still find information about each school and what grade average students achieve by leaving examination, on the website. But the information is no longer ranked for, and developed no longer lists of the ten schools located in the top, and the ten schools located in the base. Source: UVM