RICETERIA is located in the center of Odense at the address Mageløs 1, and is a colorful and fresh breath in Odense's coffee and café life. RICETERIA is owned by Odense's Charlotte Gueniau and his French husband Philippe, who also owns the interior company RICE. RICETERIA is both an interior store and a café in one, which primarily serves tasty breakfast, lunch and coffee.


RICETERIA is a unique café and interior shop in Odense city, where you as a customer enter a colorful and magical universe with many details and a relaxed atmosphere. Here you can eat of RICE's own colorful and patterned plates and cups, which you can subsequently buy home. Therefore, you are in a very special universe when you visit RICETERIA.

Although most people primarily go to RICETERIA to drink coffee, eat cake, breakfast or lunch, RICETERIA also offers many other things. For example, RICETERIA often holds various Riceteria salons and events, where well-known presenters come and hold presentations, while at the same time you as a guest receive a delicious meal and an exclusive discount on RICE's interior.

The prices in the café are at a moderate level, and for the morning fresh, RICETERIA keeps happy hour every day between. 9.00 and 10.00, where the price of hot drinks is reduced by 50%.

In addition to barista coffee, the café also serves chalatas, tea, soft drinks, ice coffee and much more. In addition, you can also get freshly baked buns, delicious cakes, sandwiches, a lot of exciting and healthy salads as well as rye breads with avocados and eggs. RICETERIA, for example, serves a fantastic carrot cake that causes the teeth to run in water.


RICETERIA is incredibly child-friendly, and is often visited by pregnant women and maternal groups. Often, when you, as an odeneaner, pass Magelös 1, there are a lot of prams parked outside.

In the café and shops, everyone is welcome, and despite many women and small babies, there is always a calm and comfortable atmosphere and atmosphere at RICETERIA. The café is therefore also ideal for taking her mother or girlfriend under her arm and enjoying a cozy morning in a setting that you cannot find anywhere else in Odense's restaurant life.


In addition, RICETERIA is internationally recognized, and you can visit another colorful and sparkling RICETERIA café in both Los Angeles, Hamburg, Stuttgart and Melbu.

Thus, several nationalities have taken RICE and RICETERIA for themselves, where the customers can be absorbed by the combined café and shop everyday life. RICETERIA is running a concept of "Everyday magic", where the vision is to peep the customers' everyday life, home and café visits with colors, dots and mica.

At RICETERIA you can also buy nice gifts with home, where you can find both a perfect hostess gift and much more.

If you want to visit a cozy and relaxing place in the middle of Odense, you must go to RICETERIA. Here's something for you, whether you're having a coffee deal with a good friend, having to work or writing a job, or you need a great place when the Maternity Group meets in a home and colorful setting.

Maybe you also come home with new colorful cups or plates that can bring everyday magic into your home.