psychologist guard

psychologist guard

At Psychologist guard is where you as a patient immediately gets professional help of university-educated psychologists with years of experience.

At psychologist guard you not only get help with work-related problems, but also the following;

We help:

  • private
  • public
  • profession
  • contract schemes
  • courses
  • Health insurance

For all tasks, we use all methods and theories in psychology. Among other psychodynamic, existential, cognitive mindfulness, SE hypnosis, coaching and supervision. Additionally, we are also proficient in concentration and meditation exercises and mindfulness. These techniques, in combination with therapy is a highly effective method compared to obtain a psychological balance and may even overcome the anxiety, stress, depression and low self-esteem.

Who is Psychologist guard?
Psychologist guard is one of the largest and first psychologist houses in Denmark with 500 psychologists in an associated corps. We have a centrally located clinic located in central Copenhagen, where our administrative offices are located.

Additionally, we are obviously a technically sound and well consolidated psychologist clinic where psychologists are university graduates with years of experience behind them. Therefore Psychologist guard not a rental community - but rather an association or a "hotel" by psychologists.