Odense Zoo

Odense Zoo

Odense Zoo is Funen's biggest attraction and a great, cozy experience.

Odense Zoo is built up beautifully, and here is filled with exciting animals. Meet example. various monkeys, lions, pelicans, birds, llamas, giraffes, sea lions, penguins, piranhas, lynx, seals, manatees and many others. In addition to all the animals are eating places, events and other experience worthy causes in Odense Zoo.


The perspective of animal husbandry in the zoo is to provide knowledge and create a foundation for the guests to decide fundamental questions about the nature and all animal species interaction.

The mission of Odense ZOO is to preserve, research and disseminate knowledge about animals and nature. In order to live the mission and fight for it, it is crucial that ZOO is a known and popular attraction.

We will have all ZOOs guests to think about and on a scientific basis to create their own nuanced attitudes and relationships with animals and nature.

Odense Zoo is a member of DAZA , EAZA (European Association of Zoos and Aquaria) and WAZA (World Association of Zoos and Aquariums), and the mission supports these three associations' mission and work.