Odense Cathedral - St. Canute's Cathedral
Odense Cathedral is an amazing church that has an interesting story behind it.
Skt. Canute's Cathedral is named after Knud 2. who was king of Denmark in the years 1080-86. Knud was elevated to saint in 1101 and together with Benedict buried in the new church sometime in the 1300s. This meant that St. Knud's Church in the late Middle Ages was a popular pilgrimage site. It was also in St. Petersburg. Canute to Thomas Kingo was bishop. The day today is it possible to get in and see St. Canute's tomb and the historic cathedral.
High Mass in Odense Cathedral
In Odense Cathedral is in every sense a high ceiling. The pure Gothic room with the beautiful light call on a classic tight liturgy - as described in the Cathedral morning service system - with emphasis on the musical element.
By alter the service carries the priests of the church beautiful chasubles attuned to seasonal colors and church organists and choir will hit Sunday's special tone, as given in Sunday's texts and the selected hymns.
At the special celebrations will be invited soloists often contribute to the hymn singing and, of course prelude and postlude music.
It offers church coffee after the morning service, where the visitors will also be an opportunity for a closer inspection of the impressive space.
dinner Prayers
Every Wednesday year round there is the opportunity to attend a short devotion in the cathedral.
The being starters of the cathedral clergy and time is at. 12:00 to 12:20 up in the choir, just under Klaus's famous altarpiece.
Come and find peace, contemplation and thoughtfulness in everyday life.
Conversation without agreement
From d. April 27 will be possible, without prior agreement, make a priest in the cathedral every Wednesday in connection with the afternoon prayers.
Devotions items from 12.00- ca.12.20, and the priest who has prayers will be in the church until at 13 (taking place: quiet room by lysgloben to the left of the main entrance).
Anyone is welcome to come by for an interview.
morning Song
Time for silence and contemplation at the start of the day
We hold morning song every Friday. 9:15 to 9:35 in the Franciscan monastery church.
The program is:
The organist played a prelude.
We sing a hymn.
One of parish priests read or say a few well-chosen words.
We pray the Lord's Prayer and the priest, blessed.
We sing another hymn and listen to the postlude music.
We are typically 30-35 participants who start the day in this way, and there is room for many more.