Nordic young people know too little about teacher training

Nordic young people know too little about teacher training

A new Nordic study finds a need for providing young people with greater knowledge of professional and career opportunities in teacher education.

Students in the Nordic region is known about the professionalism of teacher education and teachers' pay and career prospects. There is also a need to strengthen the positive publicity of the program in the public space. The report shows "Recruitment Problems in the Nordic programs," which is a study of the reasons that the teaching profession has higher status and attractiveness to students in Finland than in the other Nordic countries. Finland is emerging as a good example for the rest of the Nordic region, including in the PISA studies of pupils' skills. Education Minister Tina Nedergaard emphasizes the importance of positive publicity of teacher training to ensure future generations of teachers. There is a Finnish tradition of considering the teaching profession as very prestigious. One reason for the program's high status in Finland is that society is a large focus on the fact that student teachers achieve strong teaching competencies. The program is also considered as a career path with many development prospects. Yet it is also in Finland a challenge to recruit male applicants for the program and more student teachers to choose science subjects as main subjects. The Finnish teacher training differs also from the other Nordic programs by being a five-year master's program. It counteracts the report a perception among young people that everyone can become a teacher. Generally, student teachers in all five countries more opportunities in education than other young people. The report highlights many of the same problems as the recently published Danish report "The search for teacher training, analysis of the underlying causes of the decline in search." The Danish report, dragons, among other things also a need to strengthen the positive publicity of teacher education in the public space. Tina Nedergaard emphasizes that it is essential for recruitment to teacher training, to its high quality, strong focus on education and communication and the career opportunities it offers, widely disseminated in society. "The report reinforces much of the knowledge we already have about the reasons for the relatively low search to teacher training. Many young people are not aware of the strong pedagogical and didactic ballast and the many lifelong learning and career opportunities that education provides them, "she says. Ministry of Education, KL, Danish Union of Teachers and Students' Landskreds has just launched the campaign "Become a teacher". The campaign focuses on the many opportunities that come with teacher training, and to strengthen the program's prestige. The report draws on the interviews and surveys among school pupils and student teachers from all five Nordic countries. It is published by the Nordic Council of Ministers and has been prepared by the Danish Evaluation Institute and the Danish School of Education, Aarhus University. Source: Ministry of Education