Nørgaards School
Welcome to Nørgaard's University!
Nørgaards School is located in Bjerringbro - in the middle of beautiful nature and at the same time close to cities such as Silkeborg, Viborg, Randers and Aarhus. Nørgaards College currently offers. 8 main subjects, of whom one chooses 2. In addition, we offer a wide range of electives of very diverse nature, including in sport many disciplines. Pt. we offer the following main subjects:
Block I: Dancing, Musician / singer, Event Making / Music Management and Write!
Block II: Film Drama, Outdoor Art and Music
With our versatile range of subjects attracts every year a mixed gathering of young people from across the country, we send from here with some professional content rich, personal development and very festive folk high school. One of our strengths is precisely our attraction cancer at very different young people, and if you choose to stay with us you will meet musicians, young actress dreams, dancers, aspiring writers, sports freaks, outdoor enthusiasts, artists, project managers and many others.
Besides an inspiring environment at the school this creates some social gains - many claim that the party is more fun Nørgaards ... On Nørgaards College we are also respected for our high professionalism in teaching through a great teaching team, which is a very strong asset to our school. We are proud to help students enter the film actor Academy Sports studio, KaosPilot program, the Music Academy, MGK etc.
For further information please contact the school and you can read more on our website.