When the apartment vacated and you will not pay the cashier a painter.
When you move from one apartment to the next and it will be mostly painted. Most rental complexes have a clause that says that it must be the same color as when you moved in, or that it should be white. In most places it is not even something you can negotiate and if you do not do it well enough, then you have to pay for that they get a professional painter to do it. It can be extremely expensive to get done, so if you are reasonably handy with a paint brush you can save a lot of money to paint your apartment yourself.
Usually it's only talk about the walls to be painted, but depending on how battered your apartment has been or how long you have lived there, there must also be given to the doors and windows and floor must have a turn too. If the wallpaper on the walls must of course not be painted, but merely papered again if necessary.
If there's been chopped or scratches in the wood floor, then it will be necessary to give it a time planing and then some wood before it is painted with floor paint. Actually it is not necessary to paint on a træbeskyttet floor, but if it has been very uneven past and the paint does not come off when scalping it, it makes most sense to paint it again that there must be patchy places with paint .
It's a good idea to paint the walls first with wall paint if it were to drip onto the floor. So you can always remove it subsequently or paint it over. You can be happy with your result, if you feel that you will want to move into the same apartment, which just by moving away from.