The music's Day 2009

The music's Day 2009

Thursday, April 23 yesterday hundreds of the country's academy on the street, and plays about 200 innovative and eye-catching concerts throughout Denmark, while collecting for musical humanitarian aid in cooperation with the Danish Red Cross.

In and around the five konservatoriebyer, Aalborg, Aarhus, Esbjerg, Odense and Copenhagen, the students will offer a wide range of exciting and engaging concert experiences outside the usual framework. On this day, converted for example stations, enterprises, institutions, trains, buses, prisons, libraries and public places for scenes for quality music.

Musically humanitarian aid

The academy uses the long series of concerts to raise money for musical humanitarian aid. The money raised will go to projects that provide music and joy for children and young people in third world countries. The aid is used among other things for music lessons, building music schools, music experiences and procurement of instruments, and the priority was to involve local musicians, teachers and instrument dealers in the execution of the projects. "Danish Red Cross uses music as an important piece of work to get children back on their feet after persecution, disasters, disease and famine. The money collected from the Music Day goes to this work. We hope that the Danish people will support the collection, while they get a good musical experience. "- Jens Grønning, Danish Red Cross

Quality Music for the masses

The music's Day organized by the Konservatoriestuderendes 'Council, and established on the students' own initiative. With Music Day wants the country's most talented music students to give the outside world a different insight into the quality that is on the country's conservatories. Anders Søndergaard, country coordinator for Music Day, said: "The music's Day to give the general public an opportunity to be surprised and inspired by the great talent that currently hatch in the Danish music academies. By presenting music in new and different environment these talents give a concert audience, employees of national companies or random passers in railway stations and places a musical respite of the highest quality. That these respite generate funds for an even more needed respite for people in third world countries, making music day for a truly exemplary project that all can and must support. "

Facts on Music Day

• There are six Danish conservatories. One in Aalborg, Aarhus, Esbjerg, Odense, and two in Copenhagen. Students from all the country's conservatories involved in music today. • We expect around 200 different concerts and events throughout the Music Day. • On is a nationwide concert, which is updated regularly up to the day itself. • Companies and institutions can support the project by booking a gig at • In any public concerts, the students will bring collection boxes, so the audience can contribute to the good cause. • As a private person can contribute with 50 kr. For charity work by sending an SMS with the text "MUSIC " the number 1231st

The music's Day 2009