Mungo Park

Mungo Park

Mungo Park Kolding is a repertoire and ensemble theater that presents newly written drama created by the country's most talented actors, directors and playwrights.

Kolding and Sydjyllands own theater house, located in the center of Kolding, is the largest and most productive theater south of Aarhus and west of Odense.

Mungo Park Kolding is a dynamic greenhouse and a cultural beacon that oppose cowardice and fear of contact and takes hold of local issues, going in strong and direct dialogue with the audience. A theater that takes the audience and people seriously as a good friend who never pander, but says things straight with love and respect.

Like Sister theater Mungo Park Allerød has Mungo Park Kolding full artistic and managerial autonomy. Mungo Park Kolding will exchange ideas with its sister theater and can thus build twice as many notions of what theater can produce.

Theatre Director Moqi Simon Trolin
Mungo Park Kolding theater director Moqi Simon Trolin grew up in Gotland and Stockholm and educated in Copenhagen, where he has lived since 2001. In 2005 he graduated from the National Theatre School with the prestigious training as stage director. An education that occupies only two students per year.

Moqi Simon Trolin debuted at Mungo Park Allerød in spring 2006 with the award-winning performance SANDHOLM. Since, he has directed productions at the Odense Theatre and Theatre Ibsen in Norway. The latter idea was nominated for Hedda Award (Norway's top theater price).

Moqi Simon Trolins performances have great impact in relation to the media and processes to complex problems in a powerful and entertaining theatrical language. His artistic profile is both sharp and popular.