Less hassle and freer environment in elementary school

Less hassle and freer environment in elementary school

A recently proposed legislation gives public schools and municipalities greater freedom to organize school tenders in accordance with local needs and requirements. At the same time bureaucratic procedures for special education will be simplified.

More liberal framework for the location of subjects in lower grades, the opportunity to extend the teaching time in small classes and a shorter processing time for complaints. It is a series of initiatives at primary school, which are included in the bill which Education Minister Bertel Haarder has just presented to Parliament on 29 January 2010 as part of the government reducing bureaucracy reform. The purpose of the bill is to give people the schools and municipalities greater freedom to organize education according to their own wishes. Therefore get local councils may decide that can be taught at a lower grade level than is specified in the Education Act. * It is important for all the compulsory subjects in primary, secondary education, other than Danish, mathematics and physical education, which already cover all grade levels. For example, it will be possible to teach social studies from 6th grade and in French and German before 7th grade without obtaining experimental permit, which is required by the applicable rules. It will also be possible already teaching English from the first grade. The bill also means that municipalities will have greater freedom to strengthen standards by the ceiling of the daily class hours in nursery school and 1st-3rd grade raised from six to seven hours. * Local authorities will have the opportunity at the first grade level to provide more training hours if the local is appropriate to strengthen standards. The change means that teaching to 3rd grade can be extended from the example at. 8:00 to 15:00 or at. 9:00 to 16:00. The municipalities will also freedom in the use of their human resources. * Municipalities may now decide that teachers must carry out parts of the teaching in the kindergarten class in collaboration with the class teacher. Nursery managers must continue to stand for the majority of teaching in kindergarten class with their special skills to benefit the activity, organization and working methods included in the kindergarten class teaching. Finally shortened processing time by appeals for special education, with complaints after the bill now be sent directly to the local council for the purpose of reassessment. Under the current rules must complainants sent to the Complaints Board, which sends them to the opinion of the local council, which then returns all complaints to the Board. The proposed amendment will shorten the proceedings in all cases - particularly in the third of the cases where the municipality notoriously meet the parents. Source: Ministry of Education