Lisbeth Driving School

Lisbeth Driving School is located in Kolding, but is also found in Aarhus. Lisbeth Driving School has driving instructors in 12 cities: Esbjerg, Fredericia, Haderslev, Horsens, Kolding, Odense, Herning, Vejle, Aabenraa, Aarhus, Svendborg and Vejen.

Lisbeth Driving School offers education that gives you driving licenses within:
- Driving license category B
- MC driving license
- Trailers license BE
- Business Driving License, Tax Driving License and Tax Qualification Course
- Retrieval of driving licenses

Lisbeth Driving School has existed for more than 30 years, and is one of Denmark's largest driving schools. Driving School has more than 9,000 likes on Facebook, which says something about their popularity across the country. They live off to make their customers happy and do a passionate job to achieve it. Lisbeth's driving school's experience and size means that they can offer you high quality at reasonable prices. They have the mission of having Aarhus' best price and highest quality. For teaching, both PC and oral instruction are used, as varied teaching often gives the greatest benefit from teaching, and in the long term gives the best results. This ensures that the students get the knowledge they need and that it is better placed.
The lessons are large and bright, and a computer room and a local for oral teaching are provided. All auxiliary equipment is of course contemporary and fits modern teaching. As mentioned earlier, Lisbeth Driving School is located in Kolding. It is the only driving school with its own driving facility in Kolding. The plant is also one of Denmark's best, which is expanded with lighting, etc.
The website is always updated, which allows you to rely on the information on this. If there is a offered team visible, it means there is room on the team. You can also trust that the website prices and rates are those you end up paying for in the end. You will be taken care of by one of their skilled driving instructors. When problems arise, you'll get a direct phone number that you can always call. It's whether you call to rise or rose.
Lisbeth Driving School is for you who want a quality driving license at a more affordable price.