L'EASY is headquartered in Odense. Here employed quite a few employees and among them many students. Students at L'EASY in Odense include as salespeople, customer service representatives, credit officer, preparing employee as well as warehouse employees.

You can find you a job at L'easy Odense here

L'EASY's history

L'EASY's story starts in the 1980s when there were two firms in Denmark, Tele Clean and D: E: R, which rented TV and video directly to Danish consumers through a network of shops.

At the same time was a young man around in Odense and thought a lot about the two companies' leasing concept. Why let the only TV and video? And why did the shops around the country where they certainly were expensive to run?

The young man was 21-year-old Niels Thorborg, who studied Economics and Marketing in Odense. Therefore, he was of course very interested in trading. Interest in sales and customer service, he had much earlier in their parents merchant's house in western Zealand. He had for several years been behind the counter and gained experience with appliances, which was also in grocery farm range.

With this background and these thoughts Niels a good idea. Yes, actually a great idea, as it turned out. He was quite sure that there were customers who would like to rent washing machines. And he was just as sure that customers would like to have it easy, when suddenly there was a need to rent a washing machine. But the road to a shop could be both long and difficult, so to introduce new thinking.

The idea of leasing of washing machines per. telephone was born. Now you should be tested - and it was the first on a hobby basis. Niels fit his studies while he produced ads received orders on the phone, delivered, installed and serviced. But very quickly decided Niels themselves to switch studios out with the exciting rental business full time.

Therefore, the company Wash Clean established in August 1985, things quickly took off. In 1992 the company changed its name to L'EASY, while the product range expanded significantly. Since inception, L'EASY grown significantly - and it still is. And it is the staff of colleagues who fit the many thousands of customers too.

And the story continues ... In 1998 started L'EASY on the Swedish market, and in 2001 the time had come for the Norwegian market. In early 2006, also came to Holland.

In May 2005 bought L'EASY Thorn Nordics then Danish subsidiary D: E: R, and in November 2006 bought L'EASY Thorn companies in Norway and Sweden.

Niels Thorborg still own the company, and L'EASY Group turnover today of about 1 billion. DKK and has approximately 450 employees.